Beware the poisonous berry that can also heal you...
Every day we walk outside and don't even realize that we're surrounded by plants and bushes and even weeds that have natural healing properties. Plants that can help you if you struggle with depression, suffer from ongoing pain, help with heart issues and even help your body to ward off cancer. How many times have you plucked the head off of a dandelion as a child while playing outside all while unbeknownst to you that little ugly weed is actually capable of helping your body to fight off cancer. huge is that? I've decide that we as a whole deserve to know the truth. And so each week I'll teach you all about nature and how she can help us all stay healthy in a time when we need it the most.
Today I'd like to talk to you about a berry that when found in the wild and eaten will actually cause nausea and vomiting but when you gather it, take it home and treat it properly the amount of health benefits it has are endless. The Elderberry. It's 12 foot tall bushes could be growing right in your back yard with its 6-12 inch group of 5 petaled white flower blossoms that also have their health benefits as well. There are some species of the elderberry that are safe to eat in the wild but unless you're a seasoned pro at identifying them, I wouldn't take my chances.
For ages people have been taking elderberry syrups to help when they or their children didn't feel well. Did you know that Elderberries are actually antivirals that when taken at the beginning of not feeling well can actually prevent you from getting sicker and if taken while sick can prevent you from getting any worse? They're full of antioxidants that help your body fight off free radicals, which play a role in causing heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Free radicals are essentially unstable molecules made when your body breaks down food, when you're exposed to toxins like tobacco smoke, radiation or other harmful things and they cause damage to your cells. The antioxidant goodness in elderberries can help prevent all of that mess when taken daily.
One of my personal favorite qualities of this epic berry is that it is very rich in Quercetin. Quercetin is amazing at preventing a virus from infecting all of your healthy cells, reducing the reproduction of cells that are already infected by the virus and it reduces an infected cell’s resistance to various antiviral medications that may be used to treat the virus you have. Quercetin is also known to be an ionophore. An ionophore is a substance that transports particles across the cell wall into the center of the cell. Viruses reproduce in the center of the cells. In turn this is where zinc needs to be to to stop viral reproduction. Quercetin essentially opens up your cell walls to allow more zinc to enter and work more effectively at preventing viruses. Can you see why this is definitely my favorite benefit of the elderberry?
Earlier I mentioned that elderberries are capable of helping your body to fight off cancer. I know this probably sounds crazy. I mean how can a tiny little berry combat one of the worlds most deadly illnesses? Well, it's actually quite easy. Elderberry seeds have Amygdalin, which is also known as vitamin B17. Amygdalin is actually the component that is good for cancer prevention. It can be broken down by enzymes in the intestine to produce cyanide. I know this sounds crazy but the cyanide then selectively kills cancer cells, leaving normal tissue cells unharmed in clinical studies that have been performed.
The last benefit that I really think cannot be left out is this magnificent berries ability to aid in preventing or treating Alzheimers and Dementia. The berry contains a chemical know as Anthocyanin. This chemical has been shown in clinical studies to work its magic and help us increase memory function and prevent other declines in the brain. Without getting too sciency, it essentially makes our brain function at its peak level and in turn makes it less vulnerable to illnesses that can take it over.
Elderberrys benefits are endless. Making it part of your daily ritual could only help you become a better, healthier version of yourself. Between all of the things we've already gone over and the fact that its chock full of vitamins and goodness I highly recommend it to any person I care all of you.